Журнал «Медицина неотложных состояний» Том 18, №6, 2022
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The role of the microbiome in the development of cardiovascular disease
Авторы: S.S. Boieva (1, 2), O.A. Sliusarev (2), O.A. Raksha-Sliusareva (2), P.G. Kovalenko (2), I.A. Tarasova (3), I.L. Marychev (3)
(1) — Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Kaunas, Lithuania
(2) — Donetsk National Medical University, Lyman, Ukraine
(3) — SI «The L.V. Gromashevsky Institute of Epidemiology and Infectious Diseases of NAMS of Ukraine», Kyiv, Ukraine
Рубрики: Медицина неотложных состояний
Разделы: Медицинские форумы
Версия для печати
Background. Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) remain the leading causes of high mortality and morbidity, which places a heavy burden on health and economies around the world. One of the pathogenetic mechanisms of coronary artery disease (CAD) is myocardial dysfunction or organic damage caused by insufficient blood supply, stenosis of the coronary arteries and the formation of atherosclerotic plaques. The progression of atherosclerotic plaques is considered dynamic and complex, and the detailed mechanisms that cause plaque formation, development, and displacement are largely unknown. Identification of biomarkers of the risk of destabilization and plaque rupture in patients is important to prevent the transition ...